The beautiful, open source framework for developing hybrid mobile apps.
Powered By JavaScript - September 17, 2014
“So you want to build a mobile app?”
They want an app.
“Ionic is the open source HTML5 Mobile Framework for building amazing, cross-platform hybrid native apps with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.”
Quoted directly from the Ionic GitHub README.
You focus on the web application,
let Cordova manage the native app.
Cordova acts like the proxy between your application and the device.
Angular is primarily used to manage data and business logic.
Ionic provides much of the interface for your app.
Forget having to learn native platforms
Think of it as the missing mobile SDK for the web.
Don't know AngularJS? Perfect chance to get introduced.
You'll only need to design the custom content.
Performance that can match quality of native apps.
Access all the native features without the overhead.
$ npm install -g ionic
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One tool for nearly all tasks.
“Ok. Ionic sounds pretty neat.
How do you make a app with Ionic?”
$ npm install -g cordova ionic
Ionic and Cordova are built using NodeJS.
$ ionic start my-awesome-app
Creates a new starter project ready to edit and build.
Its just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Choose your own editor.
In browser, emulator, or device.
Follow the platform process to upload to the platform store.
Ok, so how did you make that demo?
Let's look at the demo a little closer.
{{ }}
{{ item.quote }}
{{ }}
{{ }}
Slide 1
Slide 2
Slide 3
titleText: 'Modify your album',
buttons: [
{ text: 'Share' },
{ text: 'Move' },
destructiveText: 'Delete',
cancelText: 'Cancel',
buttonClicked: function(index) {
console.log('BUTTON CLICKED', index);
return true;
Documentation, tutorials, forum and more
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